Monday, September 16, 2013

Funky Fish Designs necklace

It's that time again! Let the FUNdraising begin again! Ha ha. A very kind lady by the name of Dawn has graciously worked some long hours in preparation for our new fundraiser.  Dawn's business is called Funky Fish Designs and she makes some beautiful jewelry, so go check out her Facebook page.  This necklace was inspired by a friend of mine, who spent the summer reading the book "Unglued" by Lysa Terkeurst. 

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3

So there are 2 choices, both are in copper color.  Our idea was to have a ladies one in a 36' chain with 3 charms.  The other was designed in mind for your little girl.  It comes in an 18' chain with 2 charms.  The 18' inch chain is definitely not just for the girls, if you prefer a shorter chain that is perfectly fine too!

This is the 36 inch necklace
Price is $20
This is the 18 inch necklace
Price is $15
If you would like to pay through PayPal and need it shipped, please add $2 for shipping.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September Update's been a really long time since I updated the blog.  I think I was secretly hoping that nobody would notice as this is not my favorite thing to do. It's not that I don't want to update you all, it's that I really don't have anything to exciting to share. But I was at a baby shower this past weekend and a few ladies were eager to hear an update about the adoption, so I figured it was probably about time I write something!

Since, the last post Kenny has come home from overseas and immedialty we went on an amazing vacation to Jamaica. It was beautiful and just what we needed.  To be able to relax and sit by the pool with no distractions.  I had no cell service and it was glorious!!!  While we were there we celebrated mine and Gavin's Birthday's. Gavin turned 10 and I turned 29! I am amazed daily at the wonderful young man he is becoming. After our return from Jamaica, my mom, aunt and cousin came to visit. We had the best time. I don't think I have ever peed my pants that many times from laughing so hard. My family is from Montana, so coming to Clarksville/Nashville there were LOTS of firsts for my aunt!  We had sushi, Chucky Cheese, Cheesecake Factory, 3-D movie, down town Nashville, Grand Ole Opery and a few more things, but I think she would kill me if I posted on here!! ;) While they were here we celebrated Kenny and Kylar's birthdays! Kenny turned 33 and Kylar turned 7! AND, yes we all have Birthdays in the same month! I know, it's exhausting. It's actually all in 10 days and neither baby were planned!

Now, onto adoption update.....we are still waiting for our referral and in adoption lingo that just means we are waiting for our agency to call us with a child that meets our approved paperwork. We have been waiting about 5 months so far. Our child parameters are a bit older then most and after speaking with our agency a few weeks ago they told us that there is currently nobody in front of us on the list. But we pretty much have been told this the whole time, so it really could be awhile from now. We are just trying to be patient during this season of the adoption. I really believe this is the hardest part. You spend so many months working on paperwork and gathering necessary documents that you  need that the time just flies by so quickly. Then, you just wait.......

I took the summer months off from fundraising to just chill and spend this time with the boys. They really needed my full attention as next year they may not have it. Plus with Kenny away, it made life so much more easy. The great thing about Kenny's job is that while he's away, he makes extra moola and we were able to save for our referral fee. That was such a huge blessing. We know we are called to fundraise, but I also strongly feel that we are to put our own money into our adoption as well. :) But now that the kiddos are back in school, I am itching at getting back to fundraising. We are current,y working with an amazing lady who has a business called Funky Fish Designs. Her work is incredible and there's a double bonus. Her profits go back to Ethiopia helping organizations like Hope in Ethiopia, Project Hopeful and Because every Mother matters. Now how could this get any better! Go check her out! Funky Fish Designs on Facebook! If you go to her Facebook you can see a picture of beautiful necklace she has designed for us. It has Proverbs 3:3 on it. I will get another post going with all the details about it and how you can get yours! Plus, there will be matching ones for your daughters! :)

 Thank you all for sticking by us through this journey!